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Sample reaction paper about education

Sample reaction paper about education

sample reaction paper about education

Reflection Paper On Philosophy Of Education. Personal Philosophy of Education Paper Renee Brownlee Education Instructor Tenika Richards -James July 23, Education is the key to the success of student’s in school today there are philosophies that structure the way an 7/17/ · Education is very important in everyone, but not all has the opportunity to finish and earn their the Filipino, knowledge is acquired through education. Although they generally agree that education can be obtained inside and outside school, they believe that the primary sources of knowledge are the schools. Thus, building a strong foundation when Remember, reaction paper sample is not cheating and it is a great tool to simplify the whole process of completing the assignment! Reaction paper format and outline. Writing a reaction paper, as any other academic assignment, should follow a common structure. If you are not sure what guidelines to follow, you can always ask your professor


To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Educational Legislation Reaction Paper - Ph.

Deron Orbeta. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. for learning is at its sharpest, sample reaction paper about education. It is also the policy of the State to make education learner-oriented and responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, the circumstances and diversity of learners, schools and communities through the appropriate languages of teaching and learning.

Section 3. Definition of Terms. c Develop teaching strategies using the unique feature of the MTB-MLE which shall include, but not limited to, the following: 1 The two-track method storytelling and reading, listening story, sample reaction paper about education, oral communication activities ; 2 Interactive strategies; 3 Use of manipulative games; and 4 Experiential, small group discussions and total physical response TPR among others.

EDGARDO M. SANTOS Ph. Student EdM ProfessorThe learning development materials shall consist of the following at the minimum: i Listening story; ii Small books; iii Big books; iv Experience story; v Primer lessons; and vi Lessons exemplars; a Conceive, develop and extend a continuing professional development program for kindergarten teachers to ensure constant updating of their knowledge in current trends, pedagogy, methodologies and concepts on early childhood education; b Prescribe the necessary qualifications for the hiring and accreditation of teachers who will handle the kindergarten education program; c Exercise authority over the operation of private kindergarten institutions; d Supervise the establishment of various venues for early childhood education which may be institution-based, home-based, hospital-based or been a common knowledge to everyone that the public sector of education in the country is full of problems.

Currently, there are problems with regard to teachers and facilities. These problems have not been solved and with the implementation of this new law, I am sure that another problem will surface.

It seems that the present administration is not really aware of the problems in our education system. Instead of creating solutions to the problems, they are making another problem. The counting begins with one and not by two, but seemingly the government in haste to solve those problems wants to begin counting with three.

This is a big problem that all of us will bear for so many years until someone who is brilliant and good enough will eventually lead the InDepEd has implemented the universal public kindergarten program for five-year-olds to give new entrants to basic education the proper preparation on the rigors of schooling as it continues to explore possibilities that will scale up basic education performance in the country.

For the next school year, kindergarten education shall be made mandatory and compulsory for entrance to Grade 1. As stated in the law, sample reaction paper about education, kindergarten education shall apply to elementary school system being the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education, sample reaction paper about education. Thus, kindergarten will now be an integral part of the basic education system of the country, Luistro explained.

Moreover, he said the DepEd shall adopt the mother tongue-based multilingual education MTB-MLE method as the primary medium of instruction for teaching and learning to pre-school kids. continues to explore possibilities that will scale up sample reaction paper about education education performance in the country. As stated in the Act, kindergarten education shall apply to elementary school system being the first stage of compulsory and mandatory formal education, sample reaction paper about education.

Thus, kindergarten will now be an integral part of the basic education system of the country. Lastly, the DepEd shall adopt the mother tongue-based multilingual education MTB-MLE method. The mother tongue of the learner shall be the primary medium of instruction for teaching and learning in the kindergarten level. Based on Villafania The Philippines has only a year basic education cycle prior to the implementation of K to 12 program, sample reaction paper about education.

Aquino said that a year education cycle was an "educational handicap" for Filipino students. Apart from our DR. Student Sample reaction paper about education Professor students having less time to thoroughly understand their lessons, our students will also have sample reaction paper about education compete with graduates from other countries who have had more time to learn and prepare for their careers English.

cn, Albert Einstein once stated that bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations, produced by enthusiastic effort and infinite labor in every country of the world.

All this is put into your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, sample reaction paper about education to it, and one day faithfully hand it to your children. Thus do we mortals achieve immortality in the permanent things which we create in common, sample reaction paper about education. Student EdM Professor Deped is looking forward to introducing more innovations in the way government educated the youth, sample reaction paper about education.

Section 3 Statement of Objectives Provide for a broad general education that will assist each individual, Section 7 Authority to BorrowThe President of the Philippines, in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, may contract loans, credits or indebtedness with any foreign source or lender, under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, and any provision of law.

Section 19 EffectivityThis Decree shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila, this 29 th day of September, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy two.

In effect, based on the statements from section 2 to section 5, this act aims on developing the educational system of the country to meet the needs SECTION sample reaction paper about education. Declaration of PolicyIt sample reaction paper about education the declared policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.

It is likewise universally recognized that the teacher is the key to the effectiveness of the teaching learning process by drawing out and nurturing the best in the learner as a human being and a worthy member of society. Thus, this Act aims to provide quality education sample reaction paper about education strengthening the education and training of teachers nationwide through a national system of excellence for teacher education.

d "Center of excellence" shall be a public or private college, institute, school or agency, engaged in the pre-service and continuing education, formal and non-formal, sample reaction paper about education, of teachers and top-notch educators, that has established and continues to maintain a good record in teacher education.

Teacher Education Centers of ExcellenceThere shall be identified, designated, established and developed in strategic places in each of the regions of the country, one or more centers of excellence for teacher education based on criteria listed hereunder, assessed and adjudged by the Council.

The criteria for identifying schools and colleges as centers of excellence shall include the following: f adequate student development programs; g adequate student services; h relevant extension service and outreach programs; i percentage of graduates who become teachers; and j such other criteria as may be established and operationalized by the Teacher Education Council.

Section 4. Objectives and Functions of a Center of Excellence. Powers and Functions of the Council. a To identify and designate among existing private and public schools, teacher education institutions as Centers of Excellence for TeacherEducation, at the national, regional, and provincial levels; b To formulate policies and standards that shall strengthen and f Design collaborative programs or projects that will enhance preservice teacher training, in-service training, re-training orientation and teacher development.

Section 8, sample reaction paper about education. SecretariatThe Council shall organize and appoint a secretariat headed by an executive director, that shall assist the Council in executing its policies DR. StudentEdM Professor and programs and provide the necessary administrative support therefore. Section 9. Active Participation of Local Government UnitsLocal government units shall include in their plans, programs, and projects the development and improvement of teacher education through the centers of excellence in their respective regions.

Section Thereafter, such amount as may be included in the annual budget of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. Implementing Rules and Guidelines. THEMES FOR REVIEW OF R. A EDCOM REPORT OF Responsiveness to Global MarketIn partnership with the education sector, TEC is designed to gear up with the international standards.

Hence, the law creates center of excellence and identify institutions suited to receive one. Specific standard, which is much cruel and strict, sees if an institution is qualified to be a center of excellence.

For example, Philippine Normal University is granted as the Center of Excellence in Teacher Education.

Standards set forth by sample reaction paper about education council made our educational sector keep in pace with the global market.

Attainment of National ObjectivesThe objectives of creating center of excellence and the council is geared toward the attainment of our national objectives. Both have ensured the quality that will be observed and scrutinized towards the attainment of it.

Programs and innovations are also seen developed by the council and centers. Student EdM Professor competence. Rumors have said that others are struggling to compete with the said standard. Still, the point is towards the attainment of a quality output and competence.

Identifying such institutions promotes a high quality perspective. Other who was not identified will be geared to include them to be one. Hence, standards are getting high and services will be aligned to the set criteria. The created Council in the law is also a strength where it sees how TEIs perform and set standards in their institutions. The designation as COEs and CODs for teacher education shall be for a period of 3 years which shall take effect from the date it has been awarded by the commission.

HEIs in different regions to align their educational standards to global competitiveness and aspire even more to be granted such financial support from the government, sample reaction paper about education. Also, it is similarly universally recognized that the teacher is the key to the efficiency of the teaching learning process by drawing out and nurturing the best in the learner as a human being and a worthy member of society.

So, this Act intents to provide quality education by firming The said recognition will be renewed after every 3 Synthesis:As a teacher practicing my profession now, this law would be a very good motivation to any HEIs offering teacher education to strive harder in continuing attainment of academic excellence.

Indeed, sample reaction paper about education law was enacted to provide system of excellence for students to acquire quality learning and quality teaching, since this is the right of all citizens anyway. I should say that it is an advantage for all students to be more competitive and be able to actualize one's vocation to achieve optimum human satisfaction. Centers of excellence shall be a good call outs for any agencies, institutions, public or private schools engaged in pre-service and continuing education which established and continued to maintain good sample reaction paper about education record in teacher education, research and community service, whose graduates are models of integrity, commitment and dedication in education.

One must meet the standards given by our government so that we will be able to align our educational system with the international standards.

Adopting this scheme of sample reaction paper about education standards of education, we can really assure the high quality of our productsthe graduates, sample reaction paper about education.

With this practice somehow we can say the high level of maturity in our educational sample reaction paper about education. That's why it is necessary that every student as well as the teachers must have a sufficient way of learning-teaching process so therefore the way of having programs, seminar workshop and upgrading of school library should be provided. This law should be intensified even more because this will be a big help to everyone making education as the key for everyone to be successful and all graduates will have an enough learning and knowledgeable to be ready teachers may have sufficient grasp or even mastery of their fields of study but if they do not employ the appropriate teaching methods, the quality of tertiary education will continue to decline.

To somehow find remedy this setback, it is therefore need to bring in a program for the continuing education of college instructors similar to that required of teachers in the primary and secondary levels so as to complete the reform of our current educational system. Such program must focus on training on the proper teaching pedagogies but it may also cover other areas of study where continuing education is necessary.

The purpose of the program is to revive the human resource components of the government's education program by enhancing the skill. ls of our college instructors.


, time: 12:41

(PDF) Educational Legislation Reaction Paper - Ph. D. Study | Deron Orbeta -

sample reaction paper about education

Remember, reaction paper sample is not cheating and it is a great tool to simplify the whole process of completing the assignment! Reaction paper format and outline. Writing a reaction paper, as any other academic assignment, should follow a common structure. If you are not sure what guidelines to follow, you can always ask your professor Read this essay on Reaction Paper in K Basic Education Curriculum-Mathematics. Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Get the knowledge you need in order to pass your classes and more. Only at" 9/11/ · SAMPLE REACTION PAPER 1. Technology integration was the topic of this week’s chapter assignment. The chapterdiscussed two learning theories for a foundation to integration: Directed models andConstructivist models. The directed theory revolves around behavior and

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