9/23/ · Motivational interviewing (MI) is collaborative conversation style that promotes positive health behavior change and strengthens an individual’s motivation and commitment to change. MI uses the OARS mnemonic (O pen-ended questions, A ffirmation, R eflective listening, and S ummarizing) 3/27/ · Motivational interviewing (MI) is a counseling technique which assists the interviewee in identifying the internal motivation to change the client’s behavior by resolving ambivalence and insecurities. The term holds similar meaning when it comes to interviewing an individual with substance abuse background 5/23/ · Motivational Interviewing. Motivational interviewing (MI) is psychological intervention that was originally developed through helping people with alcohol problem (Miller, ). MI is strongly ingrained in client-centred therapy of C. Rogers () in its emphasis on understanding client’s internal frame of reference and present concerns, and in
Motivational Interviewing - Words | Essay Example
It is this students aim to demonstrate an understanding of this concept. This will be achieved by critiquing a digital recording of a case scenario that this student previously recorded. Throughout this essay an understanding of the guiding principles used in motivational interviewing will be discussed along with interviewing skills. This student will critique herself on the use of the guiding principles and skills during the digital recording.
These skills demonstrate the MI principles; they guide the process toward provoking patient change talk and commitment change. Change talk in a patient is an indication for the nurse the patient is considering the possibility of change. There are different types of change talk which can be described using the acronym DARN. D- Desire I want to change A- ability I can change R- reason the importance of change and N-need I should change, motivational interviewing nursing essay.
This time the acronym OARS is used. These questions encourage elaboration. A- Motivational interviewing nursing essay these are statements that help recognise patients strengths; this helps the patient feel that change is possible.
R- Reflection; this is an important skill in MI; it. This skill is about motivational interviewing nursing essay carefully to give reflective responses. Principles The principles of Motivational Interviewing MI were developed in ; expressing empathy, supporting self-efficacy, developing discrepancy and rolling with resistance Miller and Rollnick, Recently new principles were established using the acronym RULE; R- resist the righting reflex, U- understand your clients motivation, L- listen to your client and E- empower your client Rollnick Resist the righting reflex: correcting a patient or giving them an alternative rather than providing guidance is often a common flaw among nurses.
Resist the righting reflex refers to the inclination of wanting to fix the problem straight away and by doing so decreasing the likelihood of the patient themselves wanting to change Rosengren, As a nurse, we have the desire to help our patients change a situation so they become happier, motivational interviewing nursing essay, healthier or perhaps lead a more productive life-style.
As humans we have a natural tendency to avoid persuasion Rollnick and Miller As a nurse I have to accept this. It was poorly portrayed in the digital recording in my opinion. Resistance is the active process of pushing against reason for change Herman et al This active process can be influenced by nurses either positively or negatively. Increased resistance may occur by convincing the patient they have a problem, arguing the benefits of change if the patient changes, by telling the patient how to change and by warning the patient of the consequences if they do not change Moyers et al, I can see I interrupt the patient quite frequently which naturally enough puts strain on the conversation.
This principle avoids confronting the patient when resistance occurs. Any proclamations or action that may demonstrate resistance remain unchallenged. This in turn helps the patient to define their own problem and therefore can develop a unique solution which leaves little time to resist. The purpose of MI is that motivation must come from within the patient Rollinick et al As nurses, we help the patient recognise where they are and where they want to be. It is important for the patient themselves to.
recognise the discrepancies that already exist and how their behaviour impacts their goal. Miller and Rollinick describe how a patient may very well want to stop something i. This ambivalence is part of human nature, motivational interviewing nursing essay. Patients are naturally ambivalent. It is seen as normal as it is a natural process of change Tobutt These assumptions are usually false. This is seen throughout the digital recording, you can see how ambivalent the patient is.
The patient is seen to lack motivation. However I have used the skill of open questioning to get the patient to express the reason behind this. Through active listening I was able to identify a problem that may be an obstacle in the path to achieve the goal we wanted.
At the end the patient identified her own goal, motivational interviewing nursing essay, she found motivation from within. Listen with empathy: this principle contains two vital words associated with MI. Listen and empathy. According to Rosengrenlistening may be obvious however putting this into practice may prove otherwise. Throughout the digital recording I did look as if I was listening attentively, however I do remember how difficult the skill active listening was.
I had to be aware of my body language at all times, motivational interviewing nursing essay. Although I have my arms crossed throughout the recording, my body stance was not uninviting in motivational interviewing nursing essay opinion. Eye contact was also important. I feel I achieved this during the recording without being too empowering. Patients come to us nurses for advice and for our expertise.
An environment in which a patient feels comfortable exploring and expressing their feelings must be created. We can create this by being empathetic. In the digital recording it is obvious the patient wanted to talk to myself not some other professional.
In future I will be more motivational interviewing nursing essay aware of these situations. To approach a situation with empathy provides an environment for the patient to be heard and understood. If the patient feels understood they open up more and let the nurse or listener in on their deeper thoughts and feelings McCabe I feel as if I did not give enough empathy to the patient at the start I did not giving her enough time to speak as I often interrupted.
However the patient did open up in the end expressing her deeper feelings to me so perhaps she did feel at ease telling me about her situation. In my opinion I relaxed more as the digital recording went on, this influenced the patient and the conversation flowed more as a result.
Conclusion In conclusion this student has learned a lot about motivational motivational interviewing nursing essay and how important it is to put these principles into nursing practice. MI is imperative to nursing practice, as it involves patient desires, thoughts and feelings as a way to encourage the patients themselves to express their own barriers to change and to explore and resolve ambivalence to behavioural change. This student will take a lot of valuable lessons away with her after completing this assignment.
This student has learned how important the skills are in relation to the principles. In order to follow the guiding principles, skills should be followed to achieve the best possible outcome in patient centred care. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login.
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What Is Motivational Interviewing?
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Nurses use the processes of motivational interviewing in the healthcare setting to ensure the development of a collaborative partnership with the patient and to elicit a behaviour change. Motivational interviewing strengthens personal motivation for change, rather than instructing or 9/23/ · Motivational interviewing (MI) is collaborative conversation style that promotes positive health behavior change and strengthens an individual’s motivation and commitment to change. MI uses the OARS mnemonic (O pen-ended questions, A ffirmation, R eflective listening, and S ummarizing) Conclusion In conclusion this student has learned a lot about motivational interviewing and how important it is to put these principles into nursing practice. MI is imperative to nursing practice, as it involves patient desires, thoughts and feelings as a way to encourage the patients themselves to express their own barriers to change and to explore and resolve ambivalence to behavioural change
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