8/21/ · If you’re more of a humanities or arts person, Johns Hopkins also provides over 50 majors to choose from, and is also known for its strength in creative blogger.com the college highly values collaboration, you should use the Johns Hopkins supplemental essay to exemplify how you work with a team and would contribute meaningfully to the Johns Hopkins community 8/6/ · To further stand out to the admissions committee, you must write a stellar supplemental essay in response to this year’s Hopkins-specific prompt. Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay Prompt Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences Johns Hopkins University Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: 1 essay of words. Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community. Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences
Approaching the Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay
These entries are distinct and unique to the individual writer; however, each of them assisted the admissions reader in learning more about the student beyond the transcripts and lists of activities provided in their applications. I have always been tall, decidedly tall. Yet, my curiosity has always surpassed my height. Therefore, it is not surprising that I became transfixed the first time I played 20Q the electronic version of Twenty Questions. Somehow, a little spherical device guessed what I was thinking.
The piece of technology sparked my curiosity and instilled in me a unique interest in 20Q. This interest would later reveal valuable character traits of mine while also paralleling various facets of my life. I became determined to discover how 20Q guessed correctly. After some research, I discovered artificial intelligence, more specifically, artificial neural networks—systems which learn and improve themselves. This idea fascinated me. I wanted to learn more. I read avidly, seeking and absorbing as much information as I could.
When given the opportunity years later, I signed up for the first computer programming class available to me. I found myself in an environment I loved. I would stay after class, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples, go in during free johns hopkins supplemental essay examples, make my own apps, and work over Cloud-based IDEs.
I prized the freedom and the possibilities. After my introduction to 20Q, I began to play Twenty Questions the traditional parlor game and became determined to rival the guessing accuracy of the artificial intelligence. At first I was mediocre. However, through long car rides with family, good-natured yet heated competitions with friends, logical strategy, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples, and time, I became more effective.
As 20Q implements what it learns, so do I. I spent countless hours sharpening my skills in 90° summer heat to 20° late-winter cold, countless afternoons playing pickup games with my friends, and countless weekends traveling to AAU basketball tournaments, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples. Later that year, I became the first player in my grade to score a varsity touchdown.
Once I became proficient at Twenty Questions, I strengthened my resolve to become masterful. To do so, I needed to become a skillful inquisitor and to combine that with my analytical nature and interpersonal skills, all johns hopkins supplemental essay examples which are vital for success in Twenty Questions. Because I had been debating politics with my friends since the 8th grade, I recognized that debate could sharpen these skills. I began to debate more frequently and later more effectively in English and government class, at the lunch table and family gatherings, and whenever the opportunity presented itself.
This spurred in me an interest for how public policy and government work, leading me to attend Boys State and receive a nomination for The United States Senate Youth Program. So far, I have realized that thriving at Twenty Questions, just like life, is all about tenacity, rationality and interpersonal skills.
I have found that, as in Twenty Questions, always succeeding is impossible; however, by persevering through difficulties and obstacles, favorable outcomes are often attainable. As I have become better at Twenty Questions, so too have I improved in many other aspects of my life. Nonetheless, I realize that I still have unbounded room to grow. And johns hopkins supplemental essay examples like 20Q, I will continue to learn throughout my life and apply my knowledge to everything I do.
I was born with an extra hand—kind of. I do, however, have the unusual ability to use both hands equally well, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples.
When I was little, I thought of my ambidexterity as a fun trick. I always liked to play with people when learning a new skill:.
For me, ambidexterity has always meant versatility. From using my left hand in a restrictive corner while doing yardwork to switch-hitting in baseball depending on the context of the game, my hands give me the flexibility to adapt to my surroundings. It makes johns hopkins supplemental essay examples that only my closest friends know about my dual-handed capabilities.
Similarly, much of who I am remains unnoticed at first glance, not because of insignificance but because of initial perception.
I like to think that ambidexterity helps me juggle these different parts of myself without letting anything go. In my job as a Little League umpire, I have three distinct identities.
Though each of these roles helps me in their own way, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples, collectively, they are the reason I was made the lead umpire of the league. In terms of academics, ambidexterity means finishing a half-hour phone call trying to understand the complexities of William Faulkner and immediately turning around to text watered-down calculus explanations to help another student.
Even teachers, however, see the respect other students have for me during class discussions. Outside of class, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples, other students come to me because they recognize that I genuinely want to help guide them toward their own success.
When it comes down to it, ambidexterity means balance. From athlete to academic, from reliable employee to kind-hearted helper, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples, I take on an array of roles in my life. Just as my two hands merge to create a more efficient system, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples personal flexibility allows me to handle the many aspects of my life from different angles.
Although each part of me is individually effective, my most complete self comes from applying them together. It allows me to become more than just efficient or well-rounded but a better friend, a more fitting leader, and a respected role model.
So now, when I run into the inevitable questions in college applications about who I really am, I can answer clearly: I am ambidextrous, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples. Instinctively, I hold my breath. The pungent fragrance of roasted coffee beans and the shrill sound of steam whistles from the espresso machines force my senses into overload. Before me are mounds of freshly-baked goodies and colossal stacks of books piled on bookshelves as high as the ceiling.
With one hand holding my cookie, I collect as many books as my chubby arms can hold and plop into my favorite blue armchair. Braving these adventures instilled in me a sense of invincibility that pushed me to tackle new experiences, even engaging in johns hopkins supplemental essay examples absurdities, both in this world and reality, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples. Draping myself in jewelry constructed out of straws and cup sleeves, I would unabashedly strut all around the café.
Expressions of this unwavering self-confidence and sense of invincibility were not solely limited to my sense of fashion, but rather, it was ingrained in every thought and action johns hopkins supplemental essay examples I had.
Ignorant to the laws of gravity, I once jumped off the dolly after reaching peak acceleration, wholeheartedly believing that I could fly. With a bruised ego and johns hopkins supplemental essay examples knees, I learned a valuable lesson: invincibility is a mere delusion. Moving to Canada johns hopkins supplemental essay examples any support, my educated parents relinquished their professional aspirations to build a stable business to provide for me.
Shifting from being front and center to an observant spectator, I began to see beyond myself, picking up the art of people-watching. I found myself creating whimsical backstories of circumstance for each passerby, intertwining chance encounters and meaningful exchanges. People-watching not only helped me to become more aware of those around me, was also as an opportunity to explore undiscovered parts of myself.
I learned that despite the many sports that I have experimented with, I am the MVP at bench-warming. I make a mean latte, often topping my creations with adorable foam cats. I adore Broadway musicals and am always ready to showcase johns hopkins supplemental essay examples dancing at a flash mob.
To say that I have figured out all of who I am would be a lie. Unlike the world of fantasy, there is no single defining moment — no Excalibur, no Sorting Hat — that marks my complete evolution.
Whether we are opera singers or shower-wailers, ballet dancers or awkward shufflers, we all understand how music makes us feel, and more importantly, makes us move. Moving to music is so much a part of the human experience that it seems innate to us as a species. A recent study supports this, showing that fetuses react to music with increased motion, and in some cases, open their mouths as if to sing. Once out of the womb, this response only grows: a catchy tune makes hips swing and toes tap, and in certain situations, heads bang.
The music that moves us is itself a product of movement. Despite years of piano teachers telling me to read the page in front of me while I play, my eyes habitually wander to my hands, where the music is really happening. This gap between reading and performing music keeps me from fully expressing my musical ideas. As a way to bridge this divide, I am trying to create a simple instrument that translates movement directly into music, using motion to capture melodic ideas and expressions.
I got this idea while watching a lively orchestra conductor, who sometimes overshadowed the players so much that he seemed to be dancing alone, pulling notes through the air with his baton. Enchanted by how effortlessly he stirred the ocean of sound around him, I caught myself swishing my hands back and forth to the beat.
As I lifted my arm to match the swelling tempo, I wondered: what if we could turn all kinds of movement into melodies? It occurred to me that I could apply my skills in computer science and digital media to create a movement-to music application.
To a computer everything is math, including music and movement. Every note and motion can be tracked, stored, and broken down into a set of variables, based on information from an outside source, such as a computer mouse or touchpad. I am currently taking advantage of this relationship by creating a web-based application that synthesizes music based on interactions with the cursor, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples.
The program, once completed, will play notes as the mouse is pressed, with unique pitch and tone determined by the position and motion of the pointer. I plan to take data from a motion sensor or camera and convert it directly into sound, using a simple device that tracks movement and translates its vertical position into musical pitch, its horizontal position into musical dynamics soft to loudand its speed into musical tone. Imagine being able to move your hand to generate a pitch that changes with the direction of movement, producing a musical phrase.
Sophisticated users would be able to control relationships between variables to suit their needs; for example, they could link various components of movement such as direction or speed in all three dimensions to a wide range of musical characteristics, including, but not limited to, timbre, harmonics, and distortion.
Ultimately, artists could use my instrument to make music from anything that moves: dancers onstage, migrating birds, traffic at a busy intersection. It would not only close the gap between the conception and realization of music, but it johns hopkins supplemental essay examples open new creative pathways that combine music and motion. As for me, I look forward to performing on an empty stage, directing an invisible orchestra with the flick of my wrist.
My classmates accepted his advice and I watched as they attempted to make sense of the lifeless apples and pears that lay on the desk in front of them. I, too, clamped my left eye shut, pretending that this technique altered my view in the same manner it affected my peers.
With one eye closed, my fruit appeared precisely the same as it had with both eyes open. I have no recollection of having binocular vision, so depth perception has always been a non-existent ability, johns hopkins supplemental essay examples. For the majority of my childhood, I felt ashamed by my prosthetic eye, purposely pushing my hair toward the left side of my face and avoiding all eye contact that surpassed ten seconds.
I hated that my eyes did not appear the same, and constantly worried how others would perceive my abnormality. It was plastered directly on top of their front doorstep in between two mosaic footprints.
Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essays (3 TRICKS YOU MUST DO!!)
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Johns Hopkins University Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: 1 essay of words. Supplemental Essay Type(s): Community. Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences 2/17/ · Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay Examples From Previous Years! Example 1: In my experience, High School Musical and Mean Girls are spot-on when it comes to teen conversations; during my first three years of high school, most of the discussions my friends and I had revolved around who was dating whom, criticism of the atrocious basketball coach, and spoilers of the latest Stranger How to Write the Johns Hopkins Supplemental Essay: Examples + Guide / By that, we mean that it’s asking you to elaborate on what makes you a good fit for Johns Hopkins (not what makes Johns Hopkins a good fit for you). It’s asking you to reflect on a community (or multiple communities) that you’re a part of and then link
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