Portrait of A Hockey Player The year is I am ten years old. I am with my brother, Stephen, and my Uncle Seamus. We are in my uncle’s BMW on our way up to his winter home in Pennsylvania. It is around ten o’clock at night and we are starving. We decide to stop at a small restaurant on the corner of this dark road. This stop changes my life Descriptive Essay Examples A descriptive essay is a type of essay that explains everything in detail. It describes an object, place, person, emotion, or experience through the vivid description. The writer provides sensory information to enable the reader Descriptive Essay Example I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock, charming like church bells when it strikes noon. I open my eyes; it’s bright from the early morning sun gleaming through the cracks of my blinds, bouncing off the four walls
Descriptive Eassy Essay Example - Words
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is hard; if it were easy, everyone would have a degree and no one would ever ask for help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to help out students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful.
In order to find the Tutoring Center, it is necessary to know and understand the layout of the college. The most prominent building on campus is the LRC, Learning Resource Center, descriptive portrait essay example, where the Tutoring Center, Lecture Hall, Library, Teaching Center and other services are obtainable.
The campus is shaped like a long chain, and the LRC is located descriptive portrait essay example the chain closest to Student Services offices. It is the newest edition on campus, and its appearance is very up to date and modern. The LRC has replaced the old library in an outstanding way. load up my car and begin my trip to the lovely east coast.
I enjoy my time spent there with friends and family. It is such a wonderful place. If I could I would drive to Myrtle Beach every weekend just to enjoy myself. I am always anxious on the ride there. Before heading out on the long stretched I 20, we stop at Burger King to get breakfast.
I get s excited while riding because I cannot wait till I get there. I get so antsy that I cannot sit still in my seat, descriptive portrait essay example.
When I try to take a nap it never works, because I cannot wait to see glorious city. I love riding with my family and friends because we can always find silly ways to entertain ourselves. For an examplewe sing to song, make up crazy games and talk till our mouths are as dry as a Texas dessert. It always makes the four hours zoom by quickly. The scenery has extraordinary features once you get closer to the beach. There are so many wonderful sites to look at and learn about.
We try to take as few bathroom stops as possible so we do not lose any precious time. As soon as we reach our destination we stop at a fast food restaurant to grab a bite to eat. When we arrive at the beach it is like a huge relief has been token off my shoulders.
The gleaming sun brings joy to my lifeless face. There are so many things you can do before the sun goes down. I like going to the beach during the day. That is when What do I do with my leisure time? When I get some extra time I enjoy flying with my good friend Sam. Before we get in the plane, we walk around it, check the oil, the tire pressure and climb up on the wing and open the gas cap on both wings to make sure there is enough fuel. Once we are done with our preflight inspections we untie the plane and remove the chucks from under the tires.
Then we get into the small cockpit. Then we adjust our green leather seats to the proper place, where the seat is comfortable for each one of us; since we do want to be comfortable when flying. The first thing that we do is grab the yoke the steering wheel and turn it left and right, and forward and back, to make sure the flight controls are free and correct.
When all of that is complete we are ready to turn on the power. Sam turns on the master switch and all the electronics and avionics come on with a beeping or ringing noise. The dashboard looks like a Christmas tree all lit up. Next the key goes in the ignition. Then the propeller goes around a Descriptive Essay My heart is racing as if it will beat right out of my chest.
I feel light and free as a bird. I wiggle around on my feet until I get my balance. Once I have my balance I stay tight and wait for the next count. I feel the tight grip on my ankles and the strong arms of my bases. I slap into their arms and I step on ground once again. I smile to the crowd and wait for the next stunt. At practice all I see is wrinkled t-shirts and high ponytails. It is in the morning and every girl here would rather be sleeping than running.
We all jog around the rough black cement and the tall tan basketball hoops. Once we all make it back, out of breath and grasping our water bottles we all sit down and stretch. We stretch our legs, arms, neck, and back. We then kick high to gain strength and flexibility. As we all have warmed up our muscles we then separate into our pods and begin to practice stunting. Practice can be boring; especially due to the fact that we wake up descriptive portrait essay example early to be there exactly at A.
Other than that, the best thing to do in cheer is cheer at games! Every game we would hang our handmade signs full of glitter and paint. I have been a National Basketball Association fan for decades now. I can remember when I was young; I would just sit there on a Sunday afternoon and just stare. Watching the greatness of Michael Jordan, who I watched, win 6 Championships. The rivalry between the Miami Heat and the New York Knicks was one of the greatest series in playoff basketball in the history of the N.
The love of basketball runs deep within me, not just with the sport but for all the other characteristics that it brings. I appreciate how it demonstrates that being a part of a team is crucial. How some people can be leaders and some will have to be role players, descriptive portrait essay example. It has been a true influence on my life as well as being a step in me growing up as a man.
When you join the United States Army, you extend your descriptive portrait essay example in a sense. You are put into a relationship with young men and women from all corners of the world.
Some who I found that are profoundly in love with the sport just as much as I am. Some who are more loyal to their team than to their own families. The sport of basketball, not only did it change my life, it saved it as well.
Now you have read that I said I love the whole team concept of basketball. Not an individual will make any team great.
Although I truly believe that, descriptive portrait essay example, you have to be able to put in your own spin on the team, descriptive portrait essay example.
Your work ethic, the countless hours in the gym, the millions of free throws, the thousands of jump I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock, descriptive portrait essay example, charming like church bells when it strikes noon. I finally motivate myself enough to walk down a flight of stairs that feels like a lifetime to go down, descriptive portrait essay example. A silence breaks through the dusty air that I feel is choking me with every breath I take.
Downstairs in the living room, it is quite. Descriptive portrait essay example curtains block the sun from hitting my eyes. I sit in a wooden rocking chair, descriptive portrait essay example, set by the window. My mind begins to generate a story, and it all starts here. I prepare myself by letting my mind run free, like a bird being released in the jungle.
Able to fly free, enjoying the blue open skies and the sounds of other animals surrounding. My life is very structured. I have a daily routine for each day of the week. I have no change, no worries but I know that someday Descriptive portrait essay example will be out of place. Where will that place be? Where will it bring me?
Lana Hitchen Comp 1. Selzler Assignment 3 Description of the man I love! As I was deciding of what to write for this paper I had a strong feeling of writing something for my husband. I wanted to share with him how I feel descriptive portrait essay example him, what I think of him, descriptive portrait essay example, how strong of feelings I have for him, and just how much I appreciate him.
As I start to think of my emotions and feelings for my husband I really get tiered up and all happy inside for how special he makes me feel. But for my husband and me, we truly have come a long way. We got married on October 4th, It was only about a year and a half after I graduated from high school.
So I was only 19 when I got married. Can you say that Descriptive portrait essay example was young?
How to Write an Essay about a Person
, time: 6:1010+ Descriptive Essay Examples for Students
2/28/ · “Portrait of a Lady” is a famous novel of Henry James, which tells the story of a young American woman, her dreams, fears, and destiny. We are sure that your paper can also be devoted to the most famous portrait in the world, and you can write a Mona Lisa smile essay Descriptive Essay Example I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock, charming like church bells when it strikes noon. I open my eyes; it’s bright from the early morning sun gleaming through the cracks of my blinds, bouncing off the four walls Portrait of A Hockey Player The year is I am ten years old. I am with my brother, Stephen, and my Uncle Seamus. We are in my uncle’s BMW on our way up to his winter home in Pennsylvania. It is around ten o’clock at night and we are starving. We decide to stop at a small restaurant on the corner of this dark road. This stop changes my life
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