4/16/ · Given below are a number of colleges that do not necessarily require a supplemental essay as a part of their admissions process: Clark University Clemson University DePaul University Drexel University Miami University Northeastern University Seton Hall University Stevens Institute of Technology 15 rows · 4/3/ · Other schools, like MIT and Caltech, require separate written supplements ranging in length from SAMPLE LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOLS WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAYS Albion College Allegheny College Beloit College Coe College (Personal essay optional for students who meet Coe’s minimum academic standards) Colby College Connecticut College DePauw University Drew University Furman University Gettysburg
Colleges Without Supplemental Essays - Top Tier Admissions
When the Common Application came along with the colleges with supplemental essays of making the college application process easier than the many individual applications for each college, students and teachers rejoiced. Because they DO want to know more about you such as why are you applying to their school and what has been your most meaningful activity in high school a prior question on the old Common App.
Some schools however, are bucking the supplemental essay trend and relying only on the Common Application. Or, maybe colleges just want a lot more applicants so they can reject more and their acceptance rates will go down making them appear more prestigious.
If you are a senior, now is the time to get your college application essays done before senior year work ramps up. It can be overwhelming because many schools have supplements that have students addressing upwards of seven random essays IN ADDITION to the essay on the Common Application. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment, colleges with supplemental essays. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
Are you prepared to apply to an Ivy League or other top school? Take our quiz now and you may be surprised…. Close Menu Contact Us. Program Comparison. Middle School, colleges with supplemental essays.
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Grad School Recent Results. Class of Results. Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item Menu Item. That was then…. Lawrence University Susquehanna University Ursinus College Washington University in St. Share via:. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Close this module, colleges with supplemental essays. Take our Application Boot Camp Ready Colleges with supplemental essays First Name First Name.
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College Essays that got me into Amherst College + Tips
, time: 10:34Colleges Without Supplemental Essays: - Top Tier Admissions
SAMPLE LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOLS WITHOUT SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAYS Albion College Allegheny College Beloit College Coe College (Personal essay optional for students who meet Coe’s minimum academic standards) Colby College Connecticut College DePauw University Drew University Furman University Gettysburg Common App and Coalition Essays; Supplemental Essays; University of California Essays; University of Texas Essays; Resume Review; Post-Grad Essays; Specialized Services; Waitlist Letters; Other 8/25/ · Top 50 Schools with no Supplemental Essays: Universities: Case Western Reserve University. Clarkson University. Clemson University. DePaul University. Drexel University. Fordham University. Ohio State University. Seton Hall University. Stevens Institute of Technology. SUNY Albany. SUNY Binghamton University. SUNY Buffalo. University of Alabama. University of Arkansas
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